International Women’s Day - Artist Spotlight: Jessie Cutts

Celebrating the power and importance of female creativity

Jessie Cutts is a Kent-based textile artist creating hand-stitched art quilts. Harnessing traditional quilting techniques, her works are both contemporary and deeply rooted in tradition, transcending the limitations often associated with craft. 

Historically fibre arts have been dismissed as ‘women’s work’ or merely ‘decorative arts’, failing to gain recognition in the broader art world. Cutts’ artworks challenge these stereotypes, merging craft, abstract art, functionality, and graphic design. 

Her work celebrates the profound beauty and craftsmanship of quilted textile art, breaking free from the confines of gendered domesticity while carrying forward the legacy of pioneering women artists who redefined the artistic potential of this medium. 

With an intuitive and improvisational approach to composition Cutts’ vibrant and textural pieces are a direct response to the fabric itself. Working with deadstock fabrics, trimmings, scraps and offcuts from clothing manufacture, she breathes new life into discarded materials, infusing her work with a sense of purpose and responsibility towards the environment. 

Jessie Cutts: Shop Available Artwork

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